List of Articles

Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science. Vol. 110, No. 2, 2021

Seasonal Changes in the Absorption of Particulate Matter and the Fine Structure of Street Trees in the Southern Areas, Korea: With a Reference to Quercus myrsinifolia, Quercus glauca, Quercus salicina, Camellia japonica, and Prunus x yedoensis
한국 남부지역 가로수종 잎 미세구조와 미세먼지 흡착량의 계절 변화: 가시나무, 종가시나무, 참가시나무, 동백나무, 왕벚나무 중심으로
J. Korean Soc. For. Sci. 2021;110(2):129-140.
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Vegetation Structure and Distribution characteristics of Forest Community along Elevation on Mt. Hallasan
제주도 남동사면의 산림식생구조와 해발고별 산림군집 및 개체군 분포 특성
J. Korean Soc. For. Sci. 2021;110(2):141-154.
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Construction of a Bark Dataset for Automatic Tree Identification and Developing a Convolutional Neural Network-based Tree Species Identification Model
수목 동정을 위한 수피 분류 데이터셋 구축과 합성곱 신경망 기반 53개 수종의 동정 모델 개발
J. Korean Soc. For. Sci. 2021;110(2):155-164.
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Location Environment and Vegetation Structure of the Aconitum austrokoreense Habitat
세뿔투구꽃 서식지의 입지환경 및 식생구조
J. Korean Soc. For. Sci. 2021;110(2):165-178.
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Status and Quality Analysis on the Biodiversity Data of East Asian Vascular Plants Mobilized through the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
세계생물다양성정보기구(GBIF)에 출판된 동아시아 관속식물 생물다양성 정보 현황과 자료품질 분석
J. Korean Soc. For. Sci. 2021;110(2):179-188.
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Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Containerized Seedlings of Sageretia thea at Different Fertilization Treatments
시비처리에 따른 상동나무 용기묘의 생장 및 생리특성
J. Korean Soc. For. Sci. 2021;110(2):189-197.
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Effects of Growing Density and Cavity Volume of Containers on the Nitrogen Status of Three Deciduous Hardwood Species in the Nursery Stage
용기의 생육밀도와 용적이 활엽수 3수종의 질소 양분 특성에 미치는 영향
J. Korean Soc. For. Sci. 2021;110(2):198-209.
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Comparison of Three Ergonomic Risk Assessment Methods (OWAS, RULA, and REBA) in Felling and Delimbing Operations
벌도 및 가지제거작업에서 세 가지 인간공학적 위험 평가기법의 비교분석
J. Korean Soc. For. Sci. 2021;110(2):210-216.
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Production and Fuel Properties of Wood Chips from Logging Residues by Timber Harvesting Methods
목재수확 방법에 따른 벌채부산물 목재칩의 생산 및 연료 특성
J. Korean Soc. For. Sci. 2021;110(2):217-232.
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Changes in Carbon Stocks of Coarse Woody Debris in National Forest Inventories: Focus on Gangwon Province
국가산림자원조사 자료를 활용한 고사목의 탄소저장량 변화: 강원도를 대상으로
J. Korean Soc. For. Sci. 2021;110(2):233-243.
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Changes in Quality Characteristics of Dried ‘Bansi’ and ‘Godongsi’ Persimmon During Drying Period by Hot-air Drying
열풍건조에 의한 건조기간 동안 ‘반시’와 ‘고동시’의 품질 특성 변화
J. Korean Soc. For. Sci. 2021;110(2):244-253.
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Antioxidation and Functional Cosmetics Activity of Humulus japonicus Sieboid & Zucc. According to Collection Time and Extraction Solvent
채취 시기 및 추출 용매에 따른 환삼덩굴의 항산화 및 기능성 화장품 활성
J. Korean Soc. For. Sci. 2021;110(2):254-265.
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An Application and Educational Outcomes of e-PBL (e-Project-based Learning) to University Forest Education
대학 산림교육의 웹기반 프로젝트 학습법(e-PBL) 적용 사례와 학습성과
J. Korean Soc. For. Sci. 2021;110(2):266-279.
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Analysis of Occurrence Characteristics of Pine Wilt Disease in Korea based on Monitoring Data from 2016 to 2018
국내 소나무재선충병 발생 특성 분석: 2016~2018년 예찰데이터를 기반으로
J. Korean Soc. For. Sci. 2021;110(2):280-288.
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Checklist of Mushrooms of Mt. Cleopatra Needle Forest Reserve in Palawan Island, Philippines
J. Korean Soc. For. Sci. 2021;110(2):289-294.
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